Join us for the all-new AIGA Wichita Book Club! Read our chosen design-related book, and meet with local AIGA members for conversation and coffee, once per quarter.
We are kicking off the club with Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art.
Buy or borrow a copy, and read it by October 15. We will meet and discuss the book at Uncommon Grounds coffee house from 5:30–7:00pm.
This event is FREE, but space is limited! Email us to sign up!
Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art by Scott McCloud
A comic book about comic books. McCloud, in an incredibly accessible style, explains the details of how comics work: how they're composed, read and understood. More than just a book about comics, this gets to the heart of how we deal with visual languages in general.
“Cleverly disguised as an easy-to-read comic book, Scott McCloud’s simple looking tome deconstructs the secret language of comics while casually revealing secrets of Time, Space, Art and the Cosmos! The most intelligent comics I’ve seen in a long time. Bravo.” — Art Spiegelman, Maus, Breakdowns
“One of the most insightful books about designing graphic user interfaces ever written." — Andy Hertzfeld, Apple Macintosh co-creator.
“A seminal work at the level of Edward Tufte’s Envisioning Information.” — Stewart Brand, Co-Founder of The Long Now Foundation
“Quite simply the best analysis of the medium that I have ever encountered.” — Alan Moore, writer of Watchmen