After over a decade working in the design & marketing world Noah lost his creative mojo. It took a year of making skulls every single day for him to regain it. In the process he learned powerful lessons about the nature of creativity and completely transformed his career and life! Noah will share the secrets he gleaned and show how you too can get unstuck and stay inspired no matter where you are in your career. (Another Limited Rebellion, Noah Scalin)
Tuesday, March 22 br>
6:00 social, 6:30 talk br>
McKnight Art Center 201 br>
Wichita State University (View Map)
Tickets available at the door: br>
Student AIGA Members – $10 br>
AIGA Members – $15 br>
Student Non-Members – $15 br>
Non-Members – $20
Noah will also be installing one of his Dead Media skull installations within the WSU McKnight Art Center Atrium all-day Tuesday and through lunch on Wednesday. Anyone who’s interested in assisting in the installation is welcome to join in on the creative fun. Stop by the atrium during the listed times or contact Jenny Venn for more information:
Noah Scalinis an artist and activist. He founded Another Limited Rebellion in 2001 with the idea that he could make a living doing what he enjoyed and effect positive change in the world. He has authored five books on design and creativity and traveled the world bringing his message of creative potential and design activism to everyone from incarcerated teenagers to Fortune 500 executives.